Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers of All Ages and Abilities
The North Peace Fall Fair is an event enjoyed by many throughout the Peace Region and is made possible by its number of hard working and dedicated volunteers. We deeply appreciate the contributions made by our past and current volunteers.
As our Fair grows we need an increasing amount of volunteers to continue hosting a successful event. The North Peace Fall Fair Society is looking for anyone with time and willingness to become involved, whether it is helping to prepare the grounds at weekly work bees, taking charge of a booth or event, working in the office, assisting a chairperson for a couple hours, or taking care of the garbage on Fair day. Any and all help is welcome!
Please feel free to contact any of the listed chairpersons or complete our volunteer application below.
Volunteer Qualifications
- A positive attitude representing the North Peace Fall Fair.
- A willingness to help and contribute.
- A commitment to being part of a team.
- An excitement to serve our visitors and participants.
- Permission to complete a criminal record check.